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City Manager


Hector De La Rosa


The City Manager works closely with the Mayor and City Council to focus on these major areas:

• Fiscal Policy and Cost Control
• Infrastructure
• Economic Development
• Community Involvement and Communication
• Quality of Life
• Army Base Reuse
• Housing Development
• Commercial Development
• Policies and Procedures
• Recreation and Community Services

Fiscal Policy & Cost Control – During the past year, City staff has reviewed each operational budget and has realigned budgets to achieve significant short- and long-term cost savings. We received praise from City auditors and the Grand Jury for our tight fiscal control and fiscal management. Staff has recommended to this Council the adoption of a purchasing policy to centralize purchasing and to provide greater control and cost savings. Significant work has gone into the development of monthly reporting structures and recommended reserve accounts that prepare the City for the future development of 5- and 10-year budget models. The city has developed a 5-year Budget Model and will develop a 10-year Model.

Infrastructure – The projected growth in single family housing over the next 15 to 20 years will stress our existing infrastructure. Based on the results of an AB1600 Study, City staff has recommended that future development projects provide funding for the infrastructure necessary to support that build out. During this FY staff presented and prepared a 5 year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that will identify and address the needs of the community. Secured and unsecured sources of funding required to make these public improvements a reality will also be identified. The City has started construction of its 33 Million Dollar state-of-the-art Waste Treatment Plant with completion being estimated in the third quarter of 2006.

Economic Development – The City will be focusing on the growth of our economic development base. While we see the potential for huge housing growth our community lacks available local jobs. Our goal over the next FY will be to retain and grow our current businesses, secure new local businesses, and continue to encourage businesses to relocate to the Business Park. Both the private and the public sectors are working together to ensure that this region remains a vital hub of retail and commercial activities. Economic development of the airport will be a major focus in 2006.

Community Involvement & Communication – City staff and elected officials are dedicated to bringing our community together and encouraging public involvement in the city governance process. We completed a “Citizen Survey” and will do it every year to help improve community involvement. City staff will be assigned in the near future to neighborhood associations in an effort to resolve citizen’s complaints at that level. Communication with the community will be improved through the development of quarterly news publications, the City’s website, and cable television resources.

Improve the Communities Quality of Life – The City of Rio Vista is collaborating with other government agencies and non-profits to improve the quality of life of City residents. Quality of life concerns include responsible environmental stewardship, recreational opportunities, education, fire protection, police services, health care, redevelopment and neighborhood enhancement.

Army Base Reuse – The City is an active member of the Bay-Delta Science Consortium, a group of government and university organizations, which conducts research in the San Francisco Bay–Sacramento Delta area. The City is working with this organization to finance and construct a field operation laboratory/science center on the former Army Base site. The $20 million plus project is currently planned as a reuse of 8 to 10 acres of the 28-acre former army base owned by the City. When completed it will house offices, labs, meeting space, and boat storage for up to 200 scientific and professional employees. The City’s Economic Development Manager will continue to work closely with staff of the Department of Water Resources and state water contractors to finalize financing, design, and construction on the City-owned property. An application to Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will be prepared for annexation of the property within the next 12 months. With an estimated “move in” date of Spring 2007, project financing and design will need to be ready by mid to late 2006.

Housing Development – The Trilogy senior housing neighborhood being constructed by Shea Communities is the only major housing development currently under construction. Shea is expected to build approximately 20 homes per month in Trilogy, or about 240 for the 2004/2005 FY. Trilogy is expected to continue this rate of construction for the foreseeable future, for a total of up to 2,500 new homes over the next decade.
The City expects to complete the entitlement process for several new family housing developments in 2005/2006, approving over 4,000 additional housing units. New home construction may begin once construction of the new Northwest Wastewater Treatment Plant is completed. Plant construction was begun in August 2004, with completion and plant opening projected in early 2006.

These new housing developments are:
• Brann Ranch by Marbello-Grizzly Corporation
• Del Rio Hills by Lewis Brothers Development Corp.
• Gibbs Ranch by Shea Homes
• Riverwalk by Discovery Builders/Seecon

Commercial Development – During 2005/2006 the City will move into the implementation phase of the Industrial Development Marketing Strategy and Implementation Plan for Rio Vista that was completed in 2003/2004. An ambitious strategy is outlined that will require consistent and regular “outreach” to the Rio Vista and Northern California business communities. A two-fold strategy will help support and retain local companies, while recruiting new business and jobs to Rio Vista. An important goal is to secure commitments from firms to expand into the Rio Vista Business Park, or locations along City-owned portions of Airport Road and adjacent to the airport itself. While the City has several hundred acres of industrial land for development, often the immediate need for any business is quality space available for lease within a few months time. The City will continue to work with real estate developers in this region to consider a Rio Vista light-industrial project. The City is also a member of the Solano Economic Development Corporation and efforts to market the county’s attributes between the Bay Area and Sacramento will continue for 2005/2006. The Economic Development Marketing Committee, with members from the local business community, will be working closely with the city staff to contact local firms and recruit companies to consider a Rio Vista location.

Policies and Procedures – City staff will continue to develop the internal controls, policies, and procedures that will improve our efficiency and effectiveness. Many systems and procedures need to be put in place to ensure that the organization can provide high quality services to the community in a cost effective manner. Many excellent Policies and Procedures have been put in place but we still have room to improve.

Recreation and Community Services – During 2004/2005, Council added a Recreation and Community Services Manager position in the City Manager’s office to begin building a recreation program for the Rio Vista community. The recreation program now encompasses all facility and field rentals, the City’s After School and Summer Day Camp programs, specialized teen, adult, and senior programming, recreational classes (e.g., music, Pilates), and management of the Rio Vista Municipal Pool. 2004/2005 saw the development of the first city recreation guide, Rio Link. Rio Link will continue to be published on a quarterly basis, along with the City newsletter. The recreation program also coordinates the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug grant and City Team Collaborative. The Team’s greatest success over the past year was the inception of The Parent Project workshop in Rio Vista. Over the next year the group hopes to continue this workshop as well as target the ways in which children in our community obtain alcohol and other illegal substances.

Over the next year, the recreation program hopes to increase the quality and quantity of recreational opportunities as well as community special events. FY 2005/2006 will begin with a weekly Farmer’s Market on Main Street through August that we hope will build into a full market season in the future. Recreation also plans to increase community services by instituting neighborhood associations and a Citywide volunteer program.

Information Technology:

As a local agency, the City actively utilizes various computer technologies and systems to provide, organize, and develop information to its customers on a daily basis, including an internal network, access to the Internet, and a web site. It its function as Information Technology, the City Clerk’s Office mission is to enhance Customer Service and operational efficiency through the use of technology. It is the responsibility of the City Clerk’s Office to identify how changing technology can be integrated into the current system in order to increase the efficiency of City operations. The City Clerk’s Office provides daily assistance to end users and departments with strategic use of technology to enhance business and daily operations. The City continuously seeks to improve its web page, in order to provide the most up-to-date information possible about the City, such as employment listings, storm warnings, and development planning forums. In the future, the City Clerk’s Office will develop a strategic plan to help guide the way in which information technology in the City and the web page will evolve and expand.

Administrative Assistant Dawn Bahrenfuss






Last Updated:

November 30, 2007



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