Fire Department
707-374-2233 Administration (8am-5pm Monday-Friday)
24 hour Emergencies please contact 9-1-1
Visit the new Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness website
Tom Myers
Interim Fire Chief
The Rio Vista Fire Department is a full service organization providing fire response, limited hazardous materials response, full vehicle extrication, and 24-hour advanced life support services. The Department performs fire code plan checks, inspection, and enforcement; participates in educational activities to increase community awareness of fire safety and prevention; and conducts fire investigations within its jurisdiction. In the event of a major disaster the Fire Department is the acting Emergency Operations Command (EOC). The Department services the City of Rio Vista, including the airport, and contracts with the Delta Fire Protection District to extend fire services coverage to the Delta communities.
The Rio Vista Fire Department's most current ISO ratings are:
City Limits - Class 4 Last updated 2/1/99
Delta Fire District - Class 8b/10 Last updated 7/1/2004
The functions of the Fire Department are broken down as follows:
Administration: Organizational Flow Chart
Administration is responsible for effective human resource management and coordination of fire services. This is accomplished by planning for current and future needs and directing the resources of the Department to accomplish its goals and objectives. The goals and objectives are evaluated regularly to ensure that quality services are provided to the community. The Fire Administration is also responsible for the issuing of burn permits, disbursement of Medical Emergency Data System (MEDS), overall emergency incidents data management, and compliance with the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS).
Operations: Incidents Statistics
The Fire Department is a full service organization providing fire response, limited hazardous materials response, vehicle extrication, and 24-hour basic and advanced life support services. In the event of a major disaster the Fire Department is responsible for the implementation and coordination of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
The Department is responsible for Hazardous Materials Response, including coordination with local law enforcement and other agencies with jurisdictional responsibilities, performing the necessary isolation and mitigation procedures.
Sponsored by the Rio Vista Lions Club, the Fire Department offers a Medical Emergency Data System (MEDS) to residents. This program provides a way for at-risk residents to document their medical information so that this information is readily available in the event of an emergency.
Training ensures that staff, including volunteer firefighters, receive the training as mandated by NFPA 1500 and the State of California (the State Fire Marshal’s Office and Cal-OSHA).
The Fire Department inspects construction plans for new and existing structures, routinely performs on-site inspections, and enforces fire codes. The Department also participates in educational programs, such as “Fire Prevention Week” and “Smoke and CO Detector Change Battery Day,” to increase community awareness of fire safety and prevention.
Community Outreach:
The Fire Department is dedicated to providing ongoing community-based fire protection. This is implemented through an aggressive public education campaign geared to increase public awareness regarding a multitude of hazards such as fires, drowning, bicycle accidents, vehicle and pedestrian accidents and medical emergencies.
The Fire Department is committed to providing excellent customer service to our citizens and to the people who visit the City of Rio Vista. One of the ways we ensure that we are providing excellent customer service is the implementation of the Customer Satisfaction Survey. The Customer Satisfaction Survey is sent to every person to which we provide emergency and non-emergency service. The survey contains a series of questions about the service we provided on a scale from 1 to 5. This has been an excellent tool in obtaining key information regarding the quality of service we are providing. Cick here or below to download the Customer Satisfaction Survey.
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Earthquake Awareness Month - 2008

Scott Bahrenfuss, Captain