Contact Us!  We Want Your Bus Ride to be the Best!

Your comments are important to us. The City of Rio Vista wants to ensure that you had an enjoyable experience riding our buses. Should you have any questions, comments, suggestions, concerns or complaints regarding Rio Vista Delta Breeze services, please contact John Andoh, Transit Coordinator, City of Rio Vista, One Main Street, Rio Vista, CA 94571, email, fax to (707) 374-5319 or call (707) 374-5337.

To request a rider’s guide or other transit information in alternative accessible formats, please call (707) 374-BUSU or 511 say “Rio Vista Transit” or email TDD/TTY users may call 711 through the California Relay Service.



Rio Vista Delta Breeze is a service of the City of Rio Vista Public Works Department and transit operations are provided by MV Transportation, Inc of Fairfield, California.

Title VI Notice

In compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation Title VI regulations (49 CFR part 21), the City of Rio Vista/Rio Vista Delta Breeze operates programs without regard to race, color, and national origin.  Contact the City of Rio Vista, 1 Main Street, Rio Vista, CA 94571, (707) 374-5337, or to request additional information regarding the City’s nondiscrimination obligations.  Any person who believes himself or any specific class of persons to be subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI may by himself or by a representative file a written complaint with the City of Rio Vista or with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building -- 5th Floor TCR, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.  A complaint must be filed no later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended by FTA.




Schedules, Customer Service & General Information
Call: (707)374-BUSU or (707)374_2878
Call Toll Free: 511 say "Rio Vista transit"
TDD/TTY: through the California Relay Service