
Rio Vista Delta Breeze accepts cash, check or prepaid fares. Rio Vista Delta Breeze Bus Passes and Taxi Scrip Booklets may be purchased at Rio Vista City Hall Finance Department, One Main Street, Rio Vista, CA 94571 or through the mail by submitting a check or money order to the address above.  You can also purchase Rio Vista Delta Breeze bus passes (10-Ride and Monthly City and InterCIty Passes) at Delta Pharmacy, located at 401 Main Street, Rio Vista.


Bus Operators do not make change, so please have exact fare. Fares paid are for a one-way trip only – no round trip fares are allowed.

  1. Up to two children under 5 ride free with a fare-paying passenger age 16 years old or older.  Personal care attendants (PCA) may ride free with a passenger who has a disability as defined in the Americans With Disabilities Act.

  2. Bay Area Regional Transit Connection Discount Cards (RTC) and Medicare Cards with photo ID are accepted for senior and persons with disabilities fares. For more information to obtain an RTC card call Tri Delta Transit at (925) 754-6622 or Vallejo Transit at (707) 648-4666.

General Fare

Category Seniors General Fare
  (age 55 years old and older),
Persons with
Disabilities and Medicare Card Holders
Ages 5-54 years old

Fare with Rio Vista & Isleton


One Way Fare*
10-Ride Pass
Monthly Pass




75 cents









Fare to Antioch, Pittsburg/Bay Point BART Station, Fairfield,
Suisun City or Lodi

One Way Fare
10-Ride Pass
Monthly Pass













Intercity Route Deviations 50 Cents 50 Cents
Transfers to other transit systems Free Free


 * This fare is valid for one pick up.  Each pick up requires full fare to be paid.  This fare is also valid for service to Delta Loop communities and resort communities along State Route 160 between Isleton and the Antioch Bridge.


ADA certified passengers receive free route deviations on Route 50 – State Route 12 Express between Isleton, Rio Vista, Fairfield and Suisun City only



Transfers between Rio Vista Delta Breeze routes are free and valid for one-way travel and must be redeemed on the next available bus.

Rio Vista Delta Breeze accepts transfers from Tri Delta Transit, GrapeLine, San Joaquin RTD, Calaveras Transit, The County Connection, SCT/LINK, Fairfield And Suisun Transit (FAST), Vallejo Transit, Amtrak California and Capitol Corridor. Rio Vista Delta Breeze also accepts BART Plus passes for local fare credit. The above metioned agencies also accept Rio Vista Delta Breeze transfers at shared bus stop locations in their respective service area for local fare credit with the exception of Calaveras Transit, GrapeLine and San Joaquin RTD.

Greyhound and Amtrak Tickets

Rio Vista Delta Breeze accepts Greyhound and Amtrak tickets on board Rio Vista Delta Breeze Routes 50, 52 and 53 that connects with a Greyhound agency at Lodi (Route 53) or Suisun/Fairfield (Route 50) or Amtrak California at Lodi (Route 53), Antioch (Route 52) or Suisun/Fairfield and Fairfield Transportation Center (Route 50) with no additional fare required.  A free transfer to other Rio Vista Delta Breeze routes is available upon request.